Judging by it's size the Lupine nest is several years old. It is build on a dedicated pole next to a regular power pole that holds two transformers. I'm guess the nest was relocated from the transformer pole at some point.
There wasn't much activity in the beginning. I didn't know if any chicks were hatched or not at this point. The adults often sat on the nest together but seldom left at the same time.
After a couple weeks the activity increased and I often saw the adults coming and going but still no chicks.
Several small birds built nests in the lower portion of the osprey nest. The funny thing was that they were always tormenting the ospreys. I think this is a King Bird diving on one of the adult osprey. (Check out the stick in her talons.)
Finally, one chick popped up over the edge of the nest!
By this time there is lots of activity: feeding the chick, working on the nest and protecting the chick from attack.
Here an adult comes in for a landing.....
And an (almost) vertical take off....
The one chick in this nest was several days (maybe a week) behind the development of the chicks in the Manzanita nest so I was really excited to see her testing her wings yesterday.
I don't know how much longer she will stay with nest; looks like it won't be long!
You will probably get to see that nest fall one day. They just keep on adding - like us humans, need another stick!! Great job following them. Love the pics.