Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Red Tail at Crater Lake

This juvenile (?) Red Tailed Hawk (?)  met me on Garfield Point and followed me back down the trail to the Lodge.  I wasn't sure this was a Red Tail as the colors were more grayish than brownish red, but seems likely now that she was a juvenile.  More information is always welcome in comments!

I got a good look at the underneath of her wings while she was in flight over the lake.  So challenging to get this kind of shot!

She landed in a tree along the path just past the Lodge....

Hopping from branch to branch for several minutes......

Until a couple walking down the trail caught her attention and she lifted off to fly back up to the trail to Garfield Point......

My attention was also diverted and so I missed the last shot of her soaring away!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just not so sure this is a Red Tail. More gray than our local red tails; maybe someone will help.
